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更新时间 2024-05-14 浏览量 296次 举报此信息 我要顶帖
公司名称 Billyward Accounting Services
工作性质 全职,兼职,实习,合同工,Casual
学历要求 Diploma
签证要求 不限
工资水平 面议
工作亮点 老板人好,团队友善,成长空间
公司地址 LEVEL 1, SUITE 1, 176-178 COPE STREET
联系人 土澳居民FnYz7
联系我时请说明是在 今日阳光海岸看到的,谢谢!


We are a local tax agent for the Waterloo, Redfern, and Surry Hills areas. As Certified Practicing Accountants (CPA), we are specializing in providing affordable, professional accountancy, tax service, and advice for individuals and small to medium businesses. To expand our business we offer an Assistant Tax Accountant position to those who are keen to step into the accounting and finance career and develop and grow with us. To be a successful applicant, you need to live in the great Sydney area and have great Excel skills, and be willing to work full-time with us.


We will offer the assistant accountant position to those who successfully pass the training program. Job Description as follows:

1 Administration work: Draft Email, Filing, and Maintaining working paper in the best order

2. Accounting work: Bank Reconciliation, Fixed Assets and Depreciation, Business Activity Statement (BAS)Create Financial Statements and SMSF paperwork.

3. Taxation work: Individual income, partnership, trust, SMSF, and company tax returns. Before you make the application, please beware that you are capable of using Excel.

Should you be interested in the position, please email us at wangbilly@yahoo.com or call 0411 987 522. We will arrange an interview for you later.
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