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DRM Youth New Media founding public welfare "Eggie Light"

2023-10-16 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条

“The ‘Eggie Light Project' and the Heartwarming Story Behind It”

DoReMi three sisters have always loved to play-house since they were young. And their mother also enjoys documenting their plays and daily lives through film. This is how DRM Youth New Media’s initial name: “DoReMi Playhouse” came up. During their entrepreneurial journey, Shandy (the mother of DoReMi's sister) came across a post on her social media feed about a child with cancer, named the "Little Angel", who needs support from the public, financially and materially. After discussing it as a family, they decided to start supporting this 4-years-old "Little Angel." In November 2015, the youngest sister, Dominica Bao (鲍美杉), who was about the same age as "Little Angel," was suspected to have a malignant tumor during a medical examination.

Going through difficult tests and emotional struggles, Dominica, was lucky to fight through the illness. However, "Little Angel" was still suffering. So, the three sisters decided to do something for her. Reyna and Mya decided to cut their hair to make a wig for Little Angel who was undergoing chemotherapy. They even gathered blessings and wishes from children around the world and created a video for Little Angel. DoReMi then flew to the United States to visit Little Angel through her final moments.

Starting in 2016, the three sisters, embarked on a journey centering around the mission of "children helping children." They were using their perspectives as children to observe the society, and also their actions to become more involved in various charitable activities.

Throughout the eight years, “DRM Youth New Media” has brought warmth to numerous children through various charitable organizations. In the program “Little Light of Love Gathers Super Power”, DRM Youth New Media has formed more partnerships with social welfare organizations. They have engaged in a variety of "Warmth Initiatives" with a focus on assisting children from families with incarcerated parents, left-behind children, individuals with eating disorders, children fighting cancer, and those with autism, and even more.

Through various charitable activities, DRM Youth New Media forged a connection with the founder of the brand “Eggie Light”. The three sisters discovered that Eggie Light was not just a warm and creatively designed product; beneath its ordinary appearance, it held an "inner source of illumination." Its unique material allowed for creative expression on the "eggshell," therefore creating unique artworks of warmth." This inspired the three sisters to give a new meaning to this Eggie Light.

With a desire to offer more "warm embraces" to children in need of care, the Eggie Light serves as a "guiding light," bringing warmth to children who need love. It helps them integrate into society and become optimistic individuals. With love's presence, the world becomes a warmer place, and may every child who lives earnestly receive heartfelt care, face society with confidence and optimism, and thus illuminate the path of their future.

Since then, the three sisters, in the name of "DRM Youth New Media", began to plan the public welfare project of "crowdfunding an egg", which has become a persistent public welfare project. The public welfare of "crowdfunding an egg" calls on social figures with a common vision to care for children together, and to give warmth and beauty to every growing youth with ordinary and selfless hearts.

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