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2023-08-03 来源: 懂球帝 原文链接 评论0条


国外段友评中国女足惨败:劳伦像勒布朗一样猛,朱钰反应太慢 - 1

JAYZ303:守门员反应太慢了。(Goalkeeper lagging.)

xepa105:鲁索的射门恰到好处。守门员刚站稳,右腿蹬地准备向左扑救,那是射门最有可能飞去的方向。大力低射反方向,换哪个门将都来不及反应。(Russo just got off a really well-placed shot. Goalie had just planted and put the weight more on her right leg, to dive left, since that's the most likely place a shot will go. Putting a shot low and hard where the keeper is not shifting towards means they're always going to be late going down to stop it.)

AnnieWillKnow:最终还是鲁索!一切都从中场一次铲断开始,让人泪目,典型的英式足球。(Russo at last!All started by a crunching tackle from a centre half. Tears in my eyes, proper English football.)


国外段友评中国女足惨败:劳伦像勒布朗一样猛,朱钰反应太慢 - 2

DesertRL:世界级的领球,射门就容易多了。(world class first touch, made the finish easy.)

creamyTiramisu:这脚神仙停球。(Frightening first touch.)

harvvvv:这门将就傻站在那儿,早就应该冲出来封角度了。(Keeper just stood there. Should have rushed out to close the angle at least.)


国外段友评中国女足惨败:劳伦像勒布朗一样猛,朱钰反应太慢 - 3

CarrowCanary:战术混乱,盯人不力,你远在一英里外就能预见到英格兰要怎么处理这个球。(Shambolic lack of marking, you could see that lay-off coming a mile off.)

NovemberBurnsMaroon:中国队防守确实尬,她(詹姆斯)身边一个人都没有。(Embarrassing from China really, she's just stood on her own.)

WiggyRich23:詹姆斯上一场就在禁区边缘进了个球,然后现在还不盯她是吧?(James scores from the edge of the box in the last game, and they leave her unmarked here?)


国外段友评中国女足惨败:劳伦像勒布朗一样猛,朱钰反应太慢 - 4

国外段友评中国女足惨败:劳伦像勒布朗一样猛,朱钰反应太慢 - 5

Dinamo8:守门员推了她一把间接造成了手球,但门将在她身后那么近也让她躲过了一张红牌。(The keeper pushing her is what caused the handball but the keeper being so close behind her probably saved her from getting the red.)

Gerards_died-of-flu:吹得太严了,尤其是黄牌。(That is so harsh, the booking especially lol.)

BusShelter@Gerards_died-of-flu:因手球犯规导致射门不进,必须出示黄牌;如果身后没有门将,她就会被罚下。(Yellow had to be given for a handball offence that stops a shot on target.If the keeper weren't right behind her it would be red.)

Feeling-Pianist1444:点球无疑,黄牌合理,一次很棒的吹罚。(Clear penalty, clear booking, great refereeing.)

SomersetMackem:为了理解这些手球规则我都快疯了,为什么都是“故意手球”了还不吃红牌呢?(Feel like im going mad trying to comprehend these handball rules. How could this be ruled "intentional handball" but not considered a red card?)

BusShelter@SomersetMackem:这不属于“故意手球”,这是“不自然扩大身体范围”,是犯规没错,但不是红牌,因为身后还有门将。(It's not intentional, it's "making the body unnaturally bigger". It's a foul, and not a red because the goalkeeper would have stopped it anyway.)

700jw:很明显的点球,不知道英格兰球迷都寻思啥呢。(Clearly a pen, Not sure what the English fans are on about.)


国外段友评中国女足惨败:劳伦像勒布朗一样猛,朱钰反应太慢 - 6

Antarcticdonkey:劳伦詹姆斯的挑战:进一个不那么漂亮的球(做不到)。(Lauren James challenge : scoring an ugly goal (Impossible)

Im_Not_Sleeping:啊...反向穆勒挑战。(Ah the reverse Müller challenge.)


国外段友评中国女足惨败:劳伦像勒布朗一样猛,朱钰反应太慢 - 7

jmounteney44:门将大脑短路了。(Keepers controller disconnected.)

Shifty-Eyed_Dog:这支中国队是怎么击败日本的?(How did this China team beat Japan?)

smithshillkillsme:她去年还拿亚洲杯冠军的,可能是压力太大吧。(She won China the asian cup last year lol, guess the pressure got to her.)

TakeCareUrDreamin:她完全有100种更好的处理办法,但最后这是什么鬼。(There were about 100 different things she could have done there that were better than whatever the fuck that was.)


国外段友评中国女足惨败:劳伦像勒布朗一样猛,朱钰反应太慢 - 8

HarryAtk:没有劳伦-詹姆斯的英格兰会和中国踢成1-1,太疯狂了。(England drawing 1-1 with China without Lauren James, crazy.)


Mystery1887:看起来劳伦-詹姆斯才是史上最佳,而不是勒布朗-詹姆斯。(Looks like Lauren James is the GOAT and not Lebron.)

Away_Associate4589:勒布朗?就是那个现象级是吧?就是那个号称篮坛劳伦-詹姆斯的?(LeBron? That's the phenom guy right? The Lauren James of basketball?)

sonofaBilic:我特别想了解一下詹姆斯其他的兄弟姐妹。(I demand to know more about the mysterious other James siblings.)

UuusernameWith4Us@sonofaBilic: 他的名字叫里斯,目前效力于一家叫切尔西的英超中流球队。(His name is Reece and he plays for a midtable PL club called Chelsea.)

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